Extra Vergine Olive Oil DOP Valpolicella – 16,9 Oz. – Villa San Carlo

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Villa San Carlo estate is located on the slopes of a west facing  hill not far from Verona  and is still an uncontaminated 70 -hectare oasis with an ancient dry stone terraces for the cultivation of vineyards, olive groves and orchards surrounded by a wide strip of woodland an intact territory thanks to agronomic practices respectful of environment.

Today they run 10 hectares with 1500 olive trees, the Grignano, Favarol, Frantoio, Leccino e Pendolino.

The Extra Virgin Olive Oil Villa San Carlo DOP Veneto – Valpolicella is an intense limpid golden yellow colour with delicate green hues. Its aroma is ample and rotund with fruity hints of unripe tomato, with apple and banana, together with fragrant notes of  basil, mint and parsley. Bitterness is distinct and pungency is present.



Extra virgin olive oil DOP Veneto Valpolicella Protected Designation of Origin

Variety of olives

Grignano 40%, Favarol 30%, Frantoio, Leccino and Pendolino

Aged from 20 years to over 2 centuries.

Plants owned exclusively on old terraces with total grassing, without irrigation, annual pruning and organic fertilization

Olives harvested with a manual mechanical system in early November during the veraison phase.

Milling at the end of the day, continuous 2-stage cold extraction, average oil yield 13.50%.

The Extra Virgin Olive Oil Villa San Carlo DOP Veneto – Valpolicella is an intense limpid golden yellow colour with delicate green hues. Its aroma is ample and rotund with fruity hints of unripe tomato, with apple and banana, together with fragrant notes of  basil, mint and parsley. Its taste is fine and complex, enriched by a vegetal flavour of lettuce and celery. Bitterness is distinct and pungency is present.

It would be ideal on mayonnaise, barley appetizers, amberjack carpaccio, rice salads, marinated sea bream, pea pureè, pasta with ovuli mushrooms, grilled cuttlefish, shrimp tartare, soft fresh cheese and oven cookies.