Wild Wild Zest



About Us

About us

Wild Wild Zest was founded to help redefine the perception of food, which has long become dull and predictable. People became accustomed to repetitive and habitual eating habits, diminishing the voices of the small artisans of the world, whose passion could be tasted in the foods they loved to create. Supermarkets and local shops no longer stand out from another as the aisles became familiar landscapes of uninspired options. Comfort food became a shortcut in life, instead of a way to marry tradition, culture, and values. Eating was no longer fun.

Cooking is one of the simplest and purest forms of expression that is shared by all and dulled down by many. There are still those that dare to step outside the confines of normalcy and ride flavor as the vehicle in a journey of palatability. We want to give a voice to your neighbors who spend their nights after their day job trying to recreate a recipe that’s been passed down by generations, or experiment with concepts nobody’s dared to challenge. We want to create a platform for small businesses to grow, and together, build a sense of community. We wanted to spotlight those who went the extra mile to utilize high quality ingredients in developing flavor profiles, those who take their approach to food with passion, bravery, and fearlessness. We want to welcome you to the Wild Wild Zest.